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Jean Michel Jarre na konferenciji IMS Ibiza 2013

U vrijeme kada EDM scena piše povijest na kulturnoj razini, konferencija International Music Summit s Ibize pokušava osigurati najjače "igrače" iz glazbene industrije koji će iznjeti svoje mišljenje i prenijeti ga posjetiteljima ove smotre.


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Jean-Michel Jarre

IMS će i ove godine trajati tri dana, gdje će svakog dana osim klasičnih prezentacija, seminara, radionica i diskusija, važni ljudi iz elektronske glazbe pričati o svojim dosadašnjim iskustvima.

Na završnom partiju svirat će Fatboy Slim, zatim osnivač IMS-a Pete Tong, Sven Vath, Maya Jane Coles itd. Ove godine IMS je uspio osigurati dolazak Jean-Michel Jarrea, jednog od prvih pionira elektronske glazbe koji će održati intervjue, diskutirati o karijeri, prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti.
"Uzbuđen sam pozivom na IMS i praktički vrijednost ovakvog okupljanja je izuzetna za čitavu EDM scenu u koju sam uključen od samih početaka. I dalje nastojim probijati granice elektronske glazbe na mnogim poljima, a intervju koji ću dati na IMS-u je način da nastavim komunicirati sa publikom o moji užicima u ovom žanru", istaknuo je francuski glazbenik.

Jean Michel Jarre (Keynote Interview)
Nile Rodgers (Keynote Interview part two)
DJ Yoda (Technology demo)
Guy Gerber (Changing Face of Ibiza panel)
Ted Cohen (Tag Strategic)
Oliver Luckett (The Audience)
Shane Murray (Ibiza Rocks) / (Changing Face of Ibiza panel)
Marcus Trojan (Weekend club) / (Market Focus: Germany)
Stephen Titmus (Shazam) (Where Does All The Money Go)
Jean Michel Jarre (Keynote Interview)
Nile Rodgers (Keynote Interview part two)
DJ Yoda (technology demo)
Guy Gerber (Changing Face of Ibiza panel)
Fatboy Slim (IMS Legends Dinner Recipient)
Sven Väth (Keynote Interview)
Driis Aka Idris Elba (Keynote Interview)
Solomun (IMS Grand Finale DJ)
Paul Van Dyk (Keynote Interview)
Maya Jane Coles (IMS Grand Finale DJ)
Pete Tong (Host)
Groove Armada (IMS Anthem Creator)
Eats Everything (IMS Anthem Remixer)
Arthur Baker (Exclusive Film Screening)
Scuba (IMS Grand Finale DJ)
Monika Kruse (Market Focus: Germany)
Nicky Romero (Ghostdancing Debate)
Timo Garcia (Ghostdancing Debate)
Shadow Child Aka Dave Spoon
Tensnake (IMS Grand Finale Live Act)
Kaz James (IMS Legends Performer)
Le Carousel (IMS Grand Finale Live Act)
Tom Staar (IMS Legends Performer)
Ted Cohen (Tag Strategic)
Oliver Luckett (The Audience)
Shane Murray (Ibiza Rocks) / (Changing Face of Ibiza panel)
Marcus Trojan (Weekend club) / (Market Focus: Germany)
Stephen Titmus (Shazam) (Where Does All The Money Go)
Bob Lefsetz (Keynote Interview)
Patrick Moxey – Ultra / Sony Music (Keynote Interview)
Marc Geiger – William Morris Endeavour (Keynote Address)
Emmanuel De Buretel – Because (Keynote Interview)
Andrea & Antonio – Circoloco@DC10 (DC10: The Story…)
Amy Thomson – ATM Artists, Swedish House Mafia (Keynote Interview)
Shelly Finkel – SFX (Keynote Interview)
Duncan Stutterheim – ID&T/Tomorrowland (Keynote Interview)
Anja Schneider & Ralf Kollmann – Mobilee Records (Market Focus: Germany)
Arash Shirazi – The Bullitt Agency, Dubfire
Ash Pournouri – At Night Management, Avicii
David Vincent – Sankeys
David Waxman – Ultra Music
Francisco Ferrer – Pacha
Judy Weinstein – Def Mix, Frankie Knuckles
Maria May – CAA, David Guetta
Nikhil Shah – Mixcloud
Sam Evitt – Method Music, Disclosure
Stephen Greene – RockCorps
Valentino Barrioseta – Bridges For Music
Yann Pissenem – Ushuaia
Danny Whittle – The Ibiza Network
Ben Turner – IMS/Graphite Media (AFEM)
Kurosh Nasseri – Association For Electronic Music (AFEM)
Market Focus: Germany
Ghostdancing: The Ghist In The Machine Debate
The Changing Face Of Ibiza
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Where Does All The Money Go And Why Don’t I Get Any?
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