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  • 24.02.2007.

Ameri biraju najbolje klubove

The Club World Awards ili godišnji izbor najboljih klubova i pripadajućih stvari s američkog teritorija održati će se ove godine na Miami WMC-u, 21. ožujka. Radi se o petom izdanju ovog izbora koji je posvećen cjelokupnom noćnom životu Američkih gradova. U izboru će biti 19 kategorija, od izbora za najbolji klub, klubsku večer, interijer kluba, dizajn, DJa, VJa, razglasni sistem, video sistem, svjetlosni sistem i druge proizvode, najboljeg rezidenta…itd.


Ovogodišnje nominacije prikazuju da se posljednje godine radilo dosta naporno i kvalitetno. Evo liste najboljih iz 2006., a poslije toga je lista nominiranih za 2007.g.

Najbolji u 2006.g.

Best Superclub – crobar, New York
Best Club – Cielo, New York
Best Lounge – Tabu, Las Vegas
Best New – Tao, Las Vegas
Best Sound – JK Sound, Ruby Skye San Francisco
Best Lighting – SJ Lighting, Nocturnal Miami
Best Video – Laser Magic, Vivid Las Vegas
Best Interior Design – Studio GAIA, Tao Las Vegas
Best Party – Asseteria, New York
Best Resident DJ – Francois K, Deep Space at Cielo
Best Resident LJ – Mike D., crobar New York
Best Resident VJ – Roonie G., Ra Las Vegas
Best DJ Product – Ableton Live V.5
Best Sound Product Or Series – EAW NT Series
Best Lighting Product Or Series – Robe ColorWash 250AT
Best Video Product – Edirol CG-8 visual synthesizer
Best Effect Product – LaserNet BeamRaider
Best LED Product – Chauvet COLORtube 2.0
NightStalker Award – Smart Bar, Chicago

Nominirani u 2007.g.

Best Superclub

Avalon, Hollywood
Crobar, New York
Mansion, Miami
Pacha, New York
Pure, Las Vegas
The Church, Denver

Best Club

Cielo, New York
Fur, D.C.
Mur.Mur, Atlantic City
Smart Bar, Chicago
Tao, Las Vegas

Best Lounge

Couchez, Santa Barbara
Ghost Bar, Dallas
Prive, Miami
Slide, San Francisco
Tabu, Las Vegas

Best New

Cherry, Las Vegas
Club Paris, Jacksonville
Mur.Mur, Atlantic City
Pacha, New York
Slide, San Francisco
Ultrabar, D.C.

Best Sound System

Cherry Las Vegas, Sound Investment
Club Paris Jacksonville, Sound Stage Systems
Duvet New York, AAT
Pacha New York, Infinite Audio
Slide San Francisco, JK Sound
Ultrabar D.C., Ohm Productions

Best Lighting System

Cherry Las Vegas, SJ Lighting
Club Paris Jacksonville, Sound Stage Systems
Diesel Pittsburgh, iDesign
Element British Columbia, Team Vassalikaki
Jet Las Vegas, Johns Lyons Systems
Pacha New York, Jarrod Khoury + Robyn Parasrm

Best Video System

Element British Columbia, Team Vassalikaki
Myth Minneapolis, Metro Sound & Lighting
Sol New York, Alba Creative
Studio 6 Atlantic City, Powerhouse Sound

Best Interior Design

Cherry Las Vegas, rockwellgroup
Shelter Denver, Maria Christou
Slide San Francisco, Pamela Pennington Studios
Smart Bar Chicago, Thomas Shoner Design

Best Weekly Party

A/V Las Vegas, Steven Lockwood
Asseteria New York, Rob Promotions
MisShapes, New York
Mixed Elements, San Francisco
We Rock Hip-Hop Miami, Empire Events

Best Resident DJ (Weekly)

DJ AM, Pure
Cedric Gervais, Space
Francois K, Cielo
Larry Tee, Element
Oscar G, Space

Best Resident VJ

Chris Biggins + Cagan Yuksel, crobar New York
Psyberpixie, Revolution Ft. Lauderdale
Roonie G, A/V Las Vegas
Russell Edwards, The Docks Toronto

Best Resident LJ

Andris Kasparovics, 1015 San Francisco
Dougie Lazer, Duvet New York
Johnny Eubanks, Oz New Orleans
Mike D, Crobar New York

Best Sound Product

Crown XTi Series
dbx DriveRack 4800
EAW SB1000zR
JBL VLA Series
Martin Audio WS218X

Best DJ Product

Allen & Heath Xone:3D
Cortex HDC-1000
Denon DN-X1500S
Ortofon Digitrack
Soundcraft UREI 1605

Best Lighting Product

Chauvet Q-Spot 575
Compulite Vector Red
Elation Professional Design Spot 250WH
Nicolaudie Sunlite controller
Robe Color Wash 575 AT Zoom

Best Video Product

Chauvet DV Wall HR
Edirol V-440HD
High End Systems Axon Media Server
Pioneer DVJ-1000

Best LED Product

Chauvet COLORtube EQ
Coemar ParLite LED
Omnisistem E-Color LED Panel
Pulsar ChromaStripX3
Robe StageQube 324

Best Effect Product

Elation Professional Antari Z-1020
Look Solutions Unique2
Martin Professional RGB Laser 1.6
Omnisistem SpyroFog

NightStalker Award

Rise, Boston
Stereo, Montreal
Sullivan Room, New York
The End Up, San Francisco

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Vezani članci
Sasha je bio jedan od originalnih superzvijezda DJ-a koji je pomogao da britanska house i dance glazba postigne globalni uspjeh
dh 600
Sasha je bio jedan od originalnih superzvijezda DJ-a koji je pomogao da britanska house i dance glazba postigne globalni uspjeh