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Besplatna kompilacija iz !K7 Records

Nakon uspješnog ljeta 2008.g, berlinska etiketa !K7 Rec. ponudila je svojim obožavateljima neke besplatne downloade. Radi se o posebno napravljenoj kompilaciji, koju bi svaki "clubber" morao imati kod kuće. Imena poput Hot Chipa, Carl Craiga, The Herbalisera, samo su neka od onih čiji se uratci nalaze na ovom izdanju. Tu su i neke nove i nadolazeće producentske nade. Kompilaciju možete skinuti klikom ovdje.


Hot Chip – My Piano (dub)
"My Piano" appears on "Hot Chip DJ-Kicks"

Carl Craig – Brainfreeze (edit)
"Brainfreeze" taken from Carl Craig's "Sessions"

Quiet Village – Circus of Horror
"Circus Of Horror" taken from the album "Silent Movie"

The Herbaliser – You're not all that
"You're Not All That" taken from the album "Same As It Never Was"

Milosh – Awful Game
"Awful Game" taken from the album "iii"

Bomb The Bass – So Special
"So Special" taken from the album "Future Chaos"

The Matthew Herbert Big Band – The Story (edit)
"The Story" appears on "There's Me And There's You"

Circlesquare – Dancers (edit)
"Dancers" appears on the upcoming album "Songs About Dancing And Drugs"

Boozoo Bajou – Flickers (edit)
"Flickers" appears on the upcoming album "Grains"

sonus desktop
hard 600
Vezani članci
Ultra Music Festival obilježava svoju 25. obljetnicu posebnim 25-dijelnim dokumentarnim serijalom pod nazivom “All Eyes On Us”
maceo 600
Ultra Music Festival obilježava svoju 25. obljetnicu posebnim 25-dijelnim dokumentarnim serijalom pod nazivom “All Eyes On Us”