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Bryan Cox presents Motive CD album

Američki DJ i producent, Bryan Cox izdat će krajem listopada novi mix album pod imenom „Motive“ za Moist Music. Mixajući svoje produkcije koje se protežu od housea do techna vidi se kako je Bryan dosta poradio na inovativnosti svoga zvuka. Album će se moći nabaviti od 31. listopada.


Turneja koja će promovirati ovaj album uključivat će nastupe po mnogim svjetskim metropolama; Osaka, Tokyo, Lima, Dallas, San Francisco, Washington, Tokyo, Caracas, a predviđena je i europska turneja tijekom prosinca.

CD01                                                                                     CD02


 01.  Filtergrinder  Rockin’ the Disco (BC Remix)                01.  High Caliber  Come Together (BC Remix))

 02.  Bryan Cox  Freaks on the Floor                                   02.  Bryan Cox  Beats for the Streets

 03.  DJ Melee  Carpet Bomb (BC Remix)                           03.  Peter Presta  On the Drum (BC Remix)

 04.  Bryan Cox  Off Tha Heezay                                         04.  Hertz  Breaker (BC Remix)

 05.  Bryan Cox  Movin’ Thru Your System                          05.  Bryan Cox  Crime Pays

 06.  Bryan Cox  Mind Control                                              06.  Bryan Cox  Pump That Shit

 07.  Pre Modelo  The Rhythm (BC Remix)                          07.  Electro One  Groove Me Baby (BC Remix)

 08.  Kid Icarus  Revolutionary (BC Remix)                         08.  Bryan Cox  All Systems Underground)

 09.  Bryan Cox  Tell Em’ I’m Good                                      09.  Jon Pegnato  Tune Inn (BC Remix)

 10.  Bryan Cox  Bounce Them Big Titties                           10.  Bryan Cox  Move Your Body)

 11.  Grooveman  Don’t Stop (BC Remix)                            11.  Bryan Cox  Break You Off

 12.  Dom G  The Rip (BC Remix)                                        12.  BC & DJ Dan  It’s Getting Closer

 13.  Bryan Cox  Donkey Punch                                           13.  Bryan Cox  Booty Like Right

 14.  Bryan Cox  Lay the Smackdown                                  14.  Bryan Cox  Video Gang Bang

 15.  Paul Anthony  Everybody Dance (BC Remix)             15.  Kelly Reverb  Feeling the Thrill (BC Remix)

 13.  Bryan Cox  Bad Mutha Funker                                     16.  Angel Alanis  Wickedness (BC Remix))

 14.  Bryan Cox  Can’t Stop                                                  17.  Fabian Bates  Move Your Body (BC Remix)

 15.  Mario Ochoa  Relax (BC Remix)                                  18.  Grooveman  In the Air (BC Remix)

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