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CD izdanja: Re-Animations’Vol. 1, Detroit Connection Vol. 4, Chapters

Erol Alkan & Richard Norris stoje iza imena Beyond The Wizards Sleeve pseudonima i donose nam prvo izdanje kompilacije Re-Animations Vol. 1. Kolekcija je to od 12 sjajnih obrada, jedinstvenog zvuka, koje možemo slobodna svrstati u house balearskog, disco, folk i psych ugođaja.


Beyond The Wizards Sleeve – ‘Re-Animations’ Vol. 1

1. The Chemical Brothers – Battle Scars (Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve Re-Animation)
2. Franz Ferdinand – Ulysses (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve Re-Animation)
3. Late Of The Pier – The Bears Are Coming (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve Re-Animation)
4. Peter, Bjorn And John (Featuring Victoria Bergsman) – Young Folks (Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve Re-Animation)
5. Tracey Thorn – Raise The Roof (Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve Re-Animation)
6. Badly Drawn Boy – Promises (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve Re-Animation)
7. Goldfrapp – Happiness (Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve Re-Animation)
8. Midlake – Roscoe (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve Re-Animation)
9. Dust Galaxy – Come Hear The Trumpets (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve Re-Animation)
10. Real Ones – Outlaw (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve Re-Animation)
11. Simian Mobile Disco – Love (Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve Re-Animation)
12. Findlay Brown – Losing The Will To Survive (Beyond The Wizard’s Sleeve Re-Animation)

The Detroit Grand Pubahs – Detroit Connection Vol. 4

The Detroit Grand Pubahs ima svoju premijeru kad se radi o kompilacijskim izdanjima. Nije mala stvar raditi na mixu koju su prethodno kompilirali Kevin Saunderson, DJ 3000 i Godfather. Uz dosta korištenja live saxofona i vokala, ovaj neobični sastav na tracklistu uvrstio je i The Shapeshifterse ali nikako nisu zaboravili na svoje detroit korjene poput Underground Resistancea ili Joey Beltrama. CD izlazi 23. veljače za Matrix Music.

01. Paris The Black Fu – Intro
02. Nubian Mindz feat. KJ – Africa Dub (Mr O's Vocal Version)
03. Mark Broom – Riddim
04. Detroit Grand Pubahs – Riot 66
05. Detroit Grand Pubahs – Blacula's Drack
06. Laurent Garnier – Sambou
07. UR – The Ascension
08. Joey Beltram – Intermission
09. Dimitri Andreas – Tiger (Original Mix)
10. Ortin Cam – Visions Of Ghandi
11. Radio Slave feat. D. Eeprom – Grindhouse (Dubfire Terror Planet Rmx)
12. Kirk Degiorgio – I Do Not Exist
13. Märtini Brös – Love The Machine (Robag Wruhmes Robakkbröswodkainferno Remix)
14. The Shapeshifters – Chime (Martijn Ten Velden Remix)
15. Detroit Grand Pubahs – Crystal (Ode To The Orbit)
16. Dick Track & Agent Orange – Black Arse (Exclusive Mr O Edit)
17. Detroit Grand Pubahs 50000 – Legions Meets Sandwiches (Exclusive Mr O Edit)
18. Detroit Grand Pubahs – Plasticene Gene
19. Scan One – Static Shock
20. 4 Hero – Mr Kirk's Nightmare
21. Benga – The Cut
22. Trillbass – Bring It Live
23. Daedelus – Hrs:Mins:Secs (Etan's Greenwich Mean Report)

King Roc – Chapters (Mutual Society)

Britanski producent Martin Dawson AKA King Roc, odlučio je izdati svoj studijski album. Od suradnje i deep house produkcija koje je radio sa Giles Smithom iz Secretsundazea nećemo mnogo toga čuti ovdje. Čini se da je ovaj album išao više u smjeru eksperimentiranja s žanrovima kao što su trip-hop, ambient i chillout. Rezultat je melodičan i emocionalan album koji izlazi 23. ožujka.

01. The Beginning
02. Random Chances
03. Lunar People
04. The Growing Phrase
05. Phidias Gold
06. A Pocket Full of Prose
07. Tube Whistle
08. Everything from Nothing
09. Flow
10. ViscoVery#1
11. Beautiful But Weird
12. Melon Koly Flower
13. The End

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