Festival u Leedsu zaključao DJ-a u kavez nakon seta
Ne, ne šalimo se. Priča Leeds Festivala u Velikoj Britaniji, njegovih neumornih izbacivača i neslutećeg glazbenika postaje sve apsurdnija.
#freeevian https://t.co/gXB8AfvnI2
— FACT (@FACTmag) August 28, 2015
really tho actually got put in a cage at a festival headlined by mumford and sons because the festival staff didnt believe i was a dj
— evian christ 2015 (@evian_christ) August 28, 2015
and thought i was ‘trying to break into the festival’ after my set
— evian christ 2015 (@evian_christ) August 28, 2015