Kampanja za ponovno otvaranje fabrica počinje sljedećeg tjedna!
Sousnivač londonskog the mjesta plesa i sliva kultura, utjecaja i brisanja razlika na podiju, Keith Reilly, najavio je kako neće samo mirno stajati već će nadolazeći tjedan započeti kampanju za vraćanje fabrica u život.
Pure sadness about Fabric. London is being ruined right now.
— Four Tet (@FourTet) 7. rujna 2016.
Fabric's closure is a sideshow that will not stop a drug taking culture & ppl dying. Prohibition has never succeeded https://t.co/I9aXR9Bz03
— Simon Dunmore (@SimonDunmore) 7. rujna 2016.
fabric's closure is a depressing indication of how things are going culturally in London
— DJ Yoda (@DJYodaUK) 7. rujna 2016.
I had some drugs I was going to take on Sat at Fabric, but now it is closed so I will throw them down the toilet and never take drugs again
— Jon Hopkins (@Jon_Hopkins_) 7. rujna 2016.
Thoughts go out to all the family at @fabriclondon this morning..Closure of Fabric adds to 2016 being one of the worst years I can remember
— Oliver Jones (@I_Skream) 7. rujna 2016.
Closing Fabric is seen as a symbol of a city that lost its way, a city that understands the price of property but not the value of culture.
— Groove Armada (@GrooveArmada) 8. rujna 2016.