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Uspjesna godina za mnoge artiste pa tak i za jos jednog SoundMute glazbenika alias Liquid Flow. Nakon fenomenalnih live actova i DJ setova na partijima i festivalima poput "FUTURE NATURE FESTIVAL" na Istir ili pak "BORN TO BE MAD FESTIVAL" u Belgiji i nakon izdavanja dvije kompilacije od kojih je jedan za portugalski label Metapsychic records, Tomislav Savic aka Liquid Flow se pridruzuje Indijskoj obitelji pod labelom i izdaje za njih prvi "EP" koji sadrzi tri trake Goa Trance stila. 


S obzirom na stil koji "EP" predstavlja tako nosi i ime "Goa Terminal" a singlovi koji ga sacinjavaju, 1. Artificial Paradise, 2. Phase Shift & 3. X-Amount. U izdanju istoimenog labela ocekuje se i album projekta Liquid flow negdje na proljece.

Prenosimo vam i rijec labela koji je etiketirao ovo nadasve izvrsno izdanje:
"Liquid Flow initiates his opening Exclusive digital EP – "Goa Terminal" on Shivlink Records with a vision to reconstruct the numinous Goan character. Contrasting the appreciating middling 21st century trance reverberation – Liquid Flow presents you memories associated with the sandy beaches of Goa. Over the years he has worked himself the reputation of a techno savvy artist, well known to startle his audience with his melodic content. After releasing several tracks on Goa trance based label 'Metapsychic Records'; Liquid flow reminiscences the vibe using the numinous connections of Shivlink Records."

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