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Predstavljamo: Baile Musik Sampler 2

Još jedno u nizu uspješnih izdanja domaće izdavačke kuće Baile Musik koji od osnivanja prije 18 mjeseci bilježi odličan "feedback" renomiranih svjetskih DJ-a. Ovoga puta Baile nam predstavlja Various Artists Sampler sa šest odličnih i kompaktnih traka.


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Baile Musik

Cijeli EP je zamišljen kao putovanje kroz stil Baile Musik-a tako da u ovih šest izvedbi imamo priliku čuti deep house, funky house i tech house zvuk dobro upakiran u jednu cjelinu. Ovaj EP producirali su francuski producent Aldo Brionne, vlasnik Baile Musik-a Lucien See Why, poznati slovenski dj i producent Matthew Hoag, iznimno talentirani, sve popularniji i poznatiji rumunjski producent Luca M, poznati čileanski producent i DJ Demian Muller, mlada hrvatska nada Mariano Mateljan i Rumunj Fabio Victor. Svoj support za ovo izanje dalo je preko 90 inozemnih dja od kojih možemo izdvojiti one najpoznatije kao što su supported by: Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Claude Von Stroke, SIS, Jens Lissat, Terry Lee Brown Jr, Butch, Ekkohaus, Marko Nastic, Emerson Todd, Tim Green, Jacuzzi Boys, Sabb, Brothers Vibe, Khaan, Marc Depulse, Hector Couto, Nic Fanciulli, Hermanez, Io, Rodriguez Jr, Roberto Rodriguez, UGLH. Izdanje možete poslušati na Beatportu.

1 Aldo Brionne – Trust Your Intuitions (Dub Mix)
2 Demian Muller – Dream Machine (Original Mix)
3 Matthew Hoag – Flor De Verano (Original Mix)
4 Lucien See Why – It's Your Decision (Original Mix)
5 Mariano Mateljan – Jumping Backwards (Original Mix)
6 Luca M, Fabio Victor – Bang The Teacher (Original Mix)

Što kažu djevi :
CARL COX “thanks”
RICHIE HAWTIN “downloaded”
CLAUDE VON STROKE “downloading”
SIS “nice,nice & nice, thanks”
PATRICK ZIGON “great compilation”
TERRY LEE BROWN JR “great package”
JENS LISSAT “good pack, thanks”
BUTCH “thanks”
BROTHERS VIBE “great sampler”
SABB “great tunes”
EMERSON TODD “dream machine, Flor De Verano and bang the teacher i my picks here .. thanks”
LUKAS GREENBERG “nice package”
TIM GREEN “nice nice nice!! Luca M and Lucien See Why my usual favourites here! But all tracks are great, will support them all as much as possible”
JACUZZI BOYS “nice nice nice!! Luca M and Lucien See Why my usual favourites here! But all tracks are great, will support them all as much as possible”
MARC DEPULSE “actually a great sampler. esp the matthew hoag track!! will load and love it at home “
SATOSHI FUMI “nice compilation”
PAUL VAN DYK “support”
JAMES WARREN “Great vibes throughout – Aldo Brionne and Dermian Muller my faves”
KHAAN “very nice,,,,, thx for this!!! download & support K”
EKKOHAUS “Good selection of music here…..groovin….thanx…ekko”

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