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Resist Music presents Destroy Minimal

Danas bi se u prodaju trebao pojaviti dvostruki mix CD u minimal i techno stilu a potpisuje ga izdavačka kuća Resist Music. CD nosi naziv „Destroy Minimal“.




Disc One

1. Kosuke Anamizu / Moopy

2. Cassy / Marylin’s Wake

3. Lazy Fat People / Big City

4. Stephan Bodzin / Caligula

5. Villalobos / What You Say Is More (Isolee Speak&Spell Remix – Long End)

6. Peter Dildo / Curly Blonde (Original Mix)

7. PuNto / 4tempo4

8. Claudio Alvarez / Lluvia De Verano (Abe Duque Remix)

9. Thugfucker / The Dance (Mr. Negative Remix)

10. P. Van Dongen / Hate To Say O.K.

11. Luciano & Serafin / Funk Excursion

Marshall Jefferson vs. Noosa Heads / Mushrooms (Acapella)

12. Alter Ego / Daktari (Matt John's »Daktatrick 17« Remix)

13. Mike Shannon / Valence

14. Alex Under / El Encuentro

15. Trentemoller / Killer Kat


Disc Two

1. Dennis Ferrer / Son Of Raw

2. Henrik Schwarz, Dixon & Ame feat. Derrick Carter / Where We At (Version 1)

3. Partial Arts / Cruising

4. Padded Cell Presents Planets Against Us / Haunted House

5. Lindstrom / Another Station (Todd Terje Remix)

6. Solaris Heights / Midnight (Padded Cell Remix)

7. Booka Shade / The Birds And The Beats / At The Window

8. Till von Sein & Aera / Lesbah

9. Vibe Dealers / Vibe Di Laine

10. System Of Survival / Nuday

11. International Pony / Our House – Mama


12. Rekid / Retro Active

13. Stephan Bodzin vs. Marc Romboy / Phobos


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