Seth Troxler – Boogiebytes 5 (Bpitch)
Posljednje izdanje Boogiebytes serije s Bpitch Control etikete prvi put ne ugošćava nekoga s ove etikete.
Radi se o iznimnom talentu, karizmatičnom Seth Troxleru. Njegove DJ i remixerske sposobnosti prepoznali su mnogi promotori pa je redovit gost raznih partija u Velikoj Britaniji a ovog ljeta čini se dolazi i u Zadar. Radio je i izdavao za Spectral Sound što mu je donijelo zanimljive nastupe u Detroitu te Berlinu.
1. Intro/Amb 1
2. Party Guilt [Dinky's Arp-A-Pella]
3. Fran Left Home/Sweet a Pella
4. The Soul Pt. II
5. Right at It
6. Westoid
7. Fables and Fairytales [Deniz Kurtel Remix]
8. Freakbox [Richie Hawtin's Uncontrolled Edit] [Edit]
9. Molar One
10. The Connie Shake
11. Signs [Thrill Cosby aka Seth Troxler Remix]
12. Birds and Souls
13. Stricher
14. Seven [Seth Troxler Remix]
15. Cinema Obscura
16. Time for Us
1. Intro/Amb 1
2. Party Guilt [Dinky's Arp-A-Pella]
3. Fran Left Home/Sweet a Pella
4. The Soul Pt. II
5. Right at It
6. Westoid
7. Fables and Fairytales [Deniz Kurtel Remix]
8. Freakbox [Richie Hawtin's Uncontrolled Edit] [Edit]
9. Molar One
10. The Connie Shake
11. Signs [Thrill Cosby aka Seth Troxler Remix]
12. Birds and Souls
13. Stricher
14. Seven [Seth Troxler Remix]
15. Cinema Obscura
16. Time for Us