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Napustio nas je pionir i protagonist elektroničkog zvuka Vangelis

Vangelis je bio grčki glazbenik i skladatelj elektroničke, progresivne, ambijentalne, jazz i orkestralne glazbe.

Najpoznatiji je bio po partituri za Chariots of Fire (1981) za što je dobio Oscara godinu dana poslije. Poznat je  i po skladanju partitura za filmove Blade Runner (1982.), Missing (1982.), Antarctica (1983.), The Bounty (1984.), 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) i Alexander (2004).

Vangelis je započeo svoju karijeru u rock bendovima, uključujući popularni progresivni rock bend Aphrodite's Child, koji se raspao nakon izdavanja njihovog klasika iz 1972., 666. Otprilike u to vrijeme počeo je snimati filmove, a 1973. započeo je plodnu solo karijeru koja će mu pomoći revolucionizrati percepciju elektroničke glazbe.

U lipnju 2008., Američki helenski institut dodijelio je Vangelisu nagradu AHI Hellenic Heritage Achievement Award za njegova "izuzetna umjetnička dostignuća" kao pionira elektroničke glazbe i za njegovu cjeloživotnu predanost promicanju helenizma kroz umjetnost.

Njegov rad, posebno s Chariots Of Fire i Blade Runnerom, pomogao je komercijalizaciji glazbe nastale na instrumentima i definiranju znanstveno-fantastične estetike koja je i danas popularna. Bio je zauzet sve do svoje smrti, a nedavno je objavio album inspiriran putovanjem NASA sonde Juno na Jupiter.

Brojne osobe elektroničke glazbe odale su počast Vangelisu na društvenim mrežama.

Održan koncert Jamaika Suk uz modularni set uživo u crkvenom prostoru

Kako je i najavila u nedavnom intervjuu koji smo objavili uoči Moondance festivala, Jamaika Suk je krajem travnja održala live koncert u jednoj berlinskoj crkvi.

Umjetnica iz San Francisca za berlinskom adresom pripremila je za tu prigodu ambijentalni/eksperimentalni set u crkvenom prostoru Kulturraum Zwingli Kirche e.V. (Friedrichshain) u Berlinu za Audioviosionen.

Foto Pornceptual Boiler Room Arena

Svirala je modularni set uživo s bas gitarom uz inspirativnu i legendarnu umjetnicu Electric Indigo. Bila su to dva koncerta dva izuzetna umjetnika, koji se osjećaju kao kod kuće u elektroničkoj klupskoj glazbi kao i u elektroničkoj koncertnoj glazbi.

Budući da nema nekih zapisa sa tog koncerta poklanjamo Vam najnoviji vinyl only miks Jamaice Suk snimljen u kultnom Robert Johnson klubu, a emitiran uživo u radio emisiji "This is Your Time : Vol. 23" na Radio 80000. Na Tracklisti se nalazi i jedna produkcija naše Insolate.

Inače i Jamaica Suk i Insolate headlinerice su ovogodišnjeg izdanja Moondance festivala koji se od 28. do 30. srpnja održava u Kuli Kamerlengo. Program još uključuje i boat partije, aftere, edukativne sadržaje. Line up čine još Mr.C, Saytek Live, Oliver Deutschmann i drugi, a ulaznice su dostupne na Entrio.

Corti Organ: -Legendary festival se vraća na jesen. Imamo već datum-

Zagrijavanje za Paul Van Dyka i Maura Picotta su odradili domaći momci iz Corti Organa s kojima smo stigli popričati prije nego što su izašli na pozornicu i krenuli tjerati kišne oblake.

Dvoje vas je u Corti Organu, jedan iz Njemačke, drugi iz Hrvatske. Kako to funkcionira, kako ste se upoznali?

Odrasli smo u Njemačkoj i prijatelji smo od osnovne škole. Praktički smo najbolji prijatelji oduvijek, a glazba nas je još više približila i spojila kako za DJ-ing i produkciju tako i za sve ostalo u životu.

Kako ste došli do svog zvuka, je li trance nešto što vam se sviđalo od malih nogu?

Da! Bilo je to vrijeme sredine do kasnih 90-ih, kada je taj zvuk bio velika stvar. Zavoljeli smo ga i slušali bismo ga po cijelu noć vikendima. Nakon toga smo počeli miksati i onda producirati!

Nedavno ste objavili kratki video na društvenim mrežama gdje ste bili u studiju i radili novu muziku koja zvuči nešto drugačije nego inače što smo navikli od vas?

Mogu reći da dosta eksperimentiramo. Ta pjesma iz videa ima Future Rave zvuka u sebi, zove se Polarity i službeno je objavljena! Imamo dosta stvari u pripremi koje možda ne biste očekivali od nas, tako da nas samo pratite. Također, uvijek kažemo istu stvar kao i Armin Van Buuren, ne budite zatvorenici vlastitog zvuka. Mi moramo rasti s našim zvukom.

U budućnosti ćemo definitivno raditi trance, ali isto tako pokušavamo eksperimentirati s recimo dodavanjem Future Rave elemenata. Naša sljedeća pjesma je nešto komercijalnija, onda imamo pjesmu s uplifting trance zvukom koja također dolazi. Ne želimo raditi istu stvar cijelo vrijeme. Kombiniramo zvukove i definitivno želimo pomoći u tome da trance postane još popularniji, kao i ponovno vratiti trance na mainstage i velike pozornice!

Kada sljedeća pjesma izlazi van?

10. lipnja! Bit će nešto drugačija, više trance pop pjesma s vokalima baš za ljeto. Objava će naravno biti popraćena i s klupskim mixom.

Nedavno ste posjetili A State of Trance studio kako bi odradili guest mix za legendarni radijski show. Kako je prošlo?

To je bio dolazak kući, ipak je to dom trancea. Uvijek je odlično tamo biti, razgovarati i dijeliti strast s ljudima koji vole istu glazbu. Jednostavno odlično.

Osim što ste DJ-ejevi i producenti, vi ste i organizatori festivala. Doveli ste trance festival u Hrvatsku. Kako je došlo do toga?

Poprilično jednostavno. Jedan dio Corti Organa je iz Hrvatske i mi smo često u Zagrebu. Vidjeli smo da je dosta festivala organizirano na Zrću i u ostatku Hrvatske od strane Engleza i Nizozemaca. Stoga smo rekli Woodyju, našem prijatelju i menadžeru, kako mi to možemo sami napraviti, jer zašto bi to radili recimo Britanci, kad mi možemo dovesti trance u Hrvatsku. Woody je imao kontakte i rekao da krenemo s prvim festivalom koji će imati veliko ime, mi smo doveli Paul Van Dyka i onda još mnoga druga poznata imena.

Posljednji Legendary festival se održao na jesen prošle godine. Imate li već sad planove za neko sljedeće izdanje?

Imamo plan za listopad. Zapravo već imamo datum, 15. listopada! Zasad ne možemo reći ime headlinera, ali ćete ga otkriti uskoro.

Novinar Toni Jurić razgovarao je s Corti Organ tijekom Future Scope festivala

Već ste imali priliku nastupati s Paul Van Dykom, kakav je osjećaj dijeliti pozornicu s takvom legendom?

Odličan! Već smo nekoliko puta s njime nastupali, kao recimo na Legendary festivalu. Uvijek je čast biti s njim, a nastupati ispred njega dok je on tu je vrlo lijepo!

Na prvom smo festivalu sezone, što vas čeka dalje, kakav je plan za ostatak ljeta?

Imamo nekoliko festivala u planu. Vraćamo se u Hrvatsku za Forestland festival gdje ćemo nastupati na drugom danu, zatim imamo Nature One festival u Njemačkoj. Onda se naravno vraćamo u Hrvatsku opet za naš Legendary festival. Tu su naravno i još neki drugi nastupi koji će se dogoditi.

BSH Events sprema tri partya na Medvedgradu. Jedan je već tjednima rasprodan!

Gotovo svakog vikenda ovog proljeća i ljeta, od 21. svibnja pa sve do kraja rujna, na Medvedgradu nas pod vedrim zagrebačkim nebom očekuju partiji BSH Eventsa, koncert Ansambla LADO i Borna Šercar's Jazziana Croatica, Lollipop i Complex, koncert grupe Silente, radionice za djecu i još mnogo toga.

Foto: Park prirode Medvednica

Prvi događaj ovog programa BSH je već tjednima unaprijed rasprodan

BSH Fortress povratak je tog eventa na Medvedgrad nakon četiri godine. Od izvođača tu su domaće i regionalne snage.“ – izjavio je Drago Vukelić iz BSH Events i dodao: „Nakon toga 18. lipnja imamo drugi za redom BSH događaj na Medvedgradu, zatim nam u rujnu slijedi novi BSH na Medvedgradu koji bi trebao označiti povratak u Zagreb te završetak proljetno – ljetne sezone.˝

Cilj projekta je postavljanje Medvedgrada kao jedne od najpoželjnijih destinacija u Zagrebu kroz različita kulturna, društveno odgovorna, gastro, sportska te zabavna događanja. Ulaznice za sva događanja mogu se kupiti u sustavu

Na Medvedgradu nas očekuje; 21.5. BSH party, 28.5. Complex,  11.6. Lollipop, 18.6. BSH party, 21.6. Ansambl LADO i Borna Šercar's Jazziana Croatica, 24.6. i 25.6. radionice za djecu u suradnji sa Školskom knjigom, te 2.7. koncert grupe Silente.

Program Iznad Zagreba obuhvaća sve dobne skupine. Radi se o edukacijskom, sadržajnom, gastronomskom i glazbenom programu koji je smješten u srednjovjekovni ambijent Medvedgrada i obećaje jedno posebno višeosjetilno iskustvo.” – zaključio je Sven Vlahoviček iz projekta Iznad Zagreba.

Tijana T nakon svirke u Berghain Panorama Baru: -Plesači su formirali jedno tijelo-

Razlog je naravno poznat, Tijana je puštala glazbu u Panorama Baru koji se nalazi u sklopu Berghaina.

Evo što je izjavila jutro nakon seta: "Nekako fotografije nakon seta uvijek ispadnu bolje. Čini se da ima nešto u vezi s hormonima sreće koji utječu na izgled".

"Hvala vam što ste bili uz moj završni set Panorama Bara. Pun je mjesec sjao nad plesnim podijem na svoj najčarobniji način. Plesači su formirali jedno tijelo. Imali smo nekoliko transcendentalnih trenutaka. Neki od najboljih DJ-a na svijetu bili su na tom plesnom podiju, osjećala sam se tako počašćeno (znaš tko si). Hvala hvala hvala ❤"

Tijana ima gust raspored i već ove subote možete je slušati na Forest Castleu u atriju starog grada Čakovec zajedno sa Felverom i drugima. Ulaznice su dostupne na Entrio.






A post shared by Tijana T (@tijanatt)

Dalin Vajcner: -Perhaps Zrce Beach will become our second home-

will be held in Kalypso Club on July 1 with the artists like Ben Sims, DJ Rush, Misa Salacova, Lucca etc, while boat party will be unique story with house sets from Ben Sims and DJ Rush. Summer of Love is EDM festival from July 1 to July 3 in clubs Rocks and Kalypso. The line up includes artists like Julian Jordan, Bass Jackers, Moksi, etc.

You have been in the electronic scene for many generations, what were your beginnings and first contacts with dance music?

We've been in the electronic scene since 1999, Paul van Dyk came to our first event on a train for 200 Deutschmarks and had a plastic bag with 10 vinyls in his hand, or we organized events in car garages where Chris Liebing and Marco Carola came and played incredible underground techno. To be honest, in the Czech Republic in the 90' there were discos at the time where Dr.Alban, 2Unlimited, and the big guys from the gyms were bumping shoulders, and looking for fights and physical assault .

This was exactly the reason I didn't feel comfortable at these events – I found it primitive fun. On the other hand, at techno/house events there was peace, people liked each other, no one was looking at who was wearing what clothes, and they were enjoying the music together. That was the main impetus – cohesion and community.

Have you visited and spent any time in Pag, Croatia?

Of course, as a "proper" Czech I was "obliged" to spend many days in Croatia every year, as a small child, because our family had a travel agency and for many years took tourists to Pag. I had a nice childhood there and many "teenage memories".

What is the story of the creation of Apokalypsa and Citadela?

Apokalypsa and Citadela are one of the first big techno indoor events in the Czech Republic and they are the only two indoor events that have survived so many years and are still running today, all the others have gone bankrupt.

Not many people of today's generation know that Apokalypsa and Citadela have been competitors and great rivals since 1999. Apokalypsa used to bring in the famous "in" techno names, Citadela brought in more intellectual artists. This "war" was won by Apokalypsa and the project was bought by Citadela. Apokalypsa was never afraid to carry names that resonated, we didn't play "promoter smarties" but carried who simply "pulled" or was controversial. At the same time, we were not afraid to bring in other varieties of techno, in the Czech Republic we started the trend of "schranz" – nowadays hardtechno.

We still keep this style in our lineups, maybe out of nostalgia, but we still believe that in the morning it should be from the floor. Apokalypsa has always been controversial because we weren't afraid to bring in a lot of technological innovations at the time – like the water laser wall, voice-over dj trailers or moving LED screens, the first megamixes and the horror end-of-the-world themes (get it, we are talking about the year around 2004) By buying the Citadela project, we turned this event into a universal electronic project without techno, where Paul van Dyk plays regularly and several times a year, or sometimes we do EDM lineup or tech/house like Worakls or Paul Kalkbrenner, Sven Vath, for the first time we brought Deadmau5. Citadel had to differentiate itself from Apokalypsa, as a techno project it would cease to exist.

This season you are coming to Zrce with two festivals (Apokalypsa and Summer of Love), do you know the Adriatic electronic scene in general?

One of the members of our team has a lot of experience with Zrce, I travelled all over Europe with my wife [Misa Salacova] with a djbag, we've been organizing events in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the United Arab of Emirates for over 22 years. But to be honest our production experience suitable for Zrce is mainly from Ibiza, where we organized our own projects in Eden club, Cafe Del Mar, Mambo or you could hear our projects for example on Ibiza Global radio. Ibiza is a great school for producing events on the beach. We firmly believe that we have something to offer this beach, something to learn from it and something to leave something back on Zrce.  

What kind of atmosphere and energy will you bring with Apokalypsa? Different forms of electronic sound?

Apokalypsa has the character of an event, where there are always several varieties of techno-music on the main stage. We always want every visitor to have a good time at Apokalypsa, whether they like more groovy techno, dark techno, detroit and even acid techno, classic English techno or not afraid to go into hard techno at the end of the event. Apokalypsa always includes a thematic AV visual story, dj trailers narrated by hollywodks speakers. We also want to bring special quieter sets, which is why we've chosen a partyboat featuring house alter-egos Dj Rush and Ben Sims. Who can say they've experienced these two techno veterans in a house set at sea?

What are some of the reasons you chose Zrce beach as the festival location? And what are your plans here?

I've been following Zrce beach for a long time – and I hope I'm not offending anyone by saying this, for a long time I saw it as a kind of "kids" disco for tourists, except for Club Kalypso, which is the closest to our ideology at the moment. I really don't want to offend anyone and I have respect for every promoter, but that was my feeling. Of course, there are always genres that have been on a "wave" for a certain period of time and promoters have to do these events because a lot of times they get paid by the profits from events that are on a completely different level in terms of musical quality.

We don't only do techno, but we sell out halls and amphitheatres for 15 – 20 thousand people with pop mainstream artists from all over the world, we organize tours for rock bands, or we do classical music. With Zrce we got the impression in the last 2 years that it wants to become more Ibiza, to be really clubby and no longer just a port for kids with no musical opinion – and we want to be there, because this is what we enjoy and look forward to the next years!

What is the concept and idea behind the "Summer of Love" festival? Will it offer something innovative and unique on the Croatian coast?

The Summer Of Love festival was one of the best Czech open air dance festivals ever, and I bought the rights to this festival after its collapse only to keep the SOL brand from disappearing – I never thought I would ever use this idea. When I saw the possibility of holding events in Zrce, I automatically associated the name of the festival with this landscape – it was a sign.

Summer Of Love is a concept of an EDM festival where we would always like to invite more world names on one stage and for one entrance fee. In this premium year we have prepared a great line up enriched with an afternoon party right on the beach by the sea or a party boat, where the atmosphere is incredible and no Czech party boat can even come close to it. At the Kalypso club, two names from the Top 100 DJs in the world will perform at the premium edition. Also worth mentioning is Moksi, a name that is very popular in our country and in the surrounding countries. Then Brooks, who is known to more than one Martin Garrix fan, will perform at the Rocks club.

What is your overall view of the Croatian electronic scene? Have you been to any festivals and events in Croatia? If so, which ones do you remember the most?

Croatia doesn't have as many clubs as, for example, the Czech Republic, it's more like lounge bars so there's no comparison.It's no coincidence that Croatia is home to one of the biggest festivals in the world, Ultra Europe. Novalja is a beautiful town and Zrce beach is like a smaller Ibiza.  I see it that we can build a very strong brand on Zrce that will offer visitors the best that the world scene has to offer. Zrce has great potential to become another Ibiza and that is why we have chosen this destination as our next home.