Lyricsi koji su odgojili house generaciju: Eddie Amador – House Music
Eddie Amador najpoznatiji je kao producent house glazbe, remikser i DJ
Napisao je pjesmu “House Music” 1997. koja je izdana za Yoshitoshi, i etablirana je kako jedna od himni house glazbe, a poznata je po stihovima:
Not everyone understands house music
It′s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing

Izgovoreni su uz hipnotički pulsirajući ritam, koji je slijedom toga postao plesni klasik. Postao je globalni hit i osigurao Amadoru ugovor za album s izdavačkom kućom Yoshitoshi – Deep Disha. Međutim, njegov sljedeći singl “Rise” dokazao je njegovu privlačnost jer je ušao u UK Top 20 što mu je omogućilo nastupe u poznatim klubovima kao što su Ministry of Sound, The Queen, Centro Fly, Crobar, Stereo kao kao i Pacha & Space na Ibizi. Na temelju svog uspjeha, 2003. je otvorio drugi studio u Amsterdamu gdje je nastavio producirati za Defected, Nero i Yoshitoshi.
“House Music” stihovi:
House music
House music
House music
House music
House music
House music
Not everyone understands house music
It′s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It’s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It′s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It’s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It’s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
House music
House music
Not everyone understands house music
It′s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It′s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It’s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
House music
House music
Not everyone understands house music
It′s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It’s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It′s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It’s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It′s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It’s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
House music
A soul thing
Not everyone understands house music
It’s a spiritual thing
A body thing
A soul thing
House music
A soul thing
House music
House music
House music
House music
House music
House music
House music
House music
House music
House music