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Podcast 056: Mr. C (UK)

Mr. C, osebujni londonski glazbenik i suvlasnik kultnog londonskog kluba The End, jedan je od pionira moderne plesne glazbe još od davne 1987. koji nas je više puta počastio svojim nastupom u Hrvatskoj.


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Mr. C

Ovaj zaista inspirativni mix i intervju su poklon svim fanovima u zemlji i regiji nakon nedavno objavljenog albuma "Smell the coffee".

1.    Untitled 2 from Lost at Sea by Terrence Dixon on  Surface
2.    Urn by Lovers Rights on High Sheen
3.    More is not enough (Heaven or Hell) by Roman Flügel from the Lifesaver
4.    Untitled Love by Adesse on Prime Numbers
5.    DTB by Loshea on Seaghdha
6.    Whale Song by OCH on Trelik
7.    Hechizo by Mr.C on Get Physical
8.    Late (Alexi Delano’s Get Out remix) by Xo Chic on Superfreq
9.    Automation by Mathew Jonson on Crostownrebels
10.    Go for what hurts by Henrik Bergquist on Aniara
11.    Open up (Just Be remix) by Mr.C ft Victoria Wilson James on Superfreq
12.    The Future by Mr.C on Superfreq
13.    House (Affie dub) – Indigo Kidz – Superfreq
14.    Lights & Buttons (Mr.C remix) by Joint Custody on Superfreq
15.    Perc Redux from A is for Acid by Matt Whitehead on Perc trax
16.    Dathank by David Scuba on Superfreq
17.    I like that Freq by Derek Marin on Superfreq

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