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  • 19.12.2021.

Soundtrack filma Matrix Resurrections uključuje i remiks Marcela Dettmanna

Brojne berlinske techno legende napravile su remikse za soundtrack dugoočekivanog nastavka Matrixa


Originalnu muziku za film kreirali su elektronički glazbenik Johnny Kilmek redatelj i skladatelj Run Lola Run – Tom Tykwer. Dvojac djeluje kroz partnerstvo skoro 25 godina, a za svoj rad su bili nominirani za Oscara.

Uz originalnu partituru, popis uključuje 35 pjesama i brojne remikseve utjecajnih DJ-a, uključujući njemačke techno umjetnike Marcela Deettmanna, Gudrun Gut i ​​System 01.

Poslušajte Exomorph remix pjesme 'Neo and Trinity Theme' i pogledajte cijelu listu pjesama u nastavku.


1. Opening – The Matrix Resurrections
2. Two and the Same
3. Meeting Trinity
4. It’s in My Mind
5. I Fly or I Fall
6. Set and Setting
7. Into the Train
8. Exit the Pod
9. The Dojo
10. Enter IO
11. Inside IO
12. Escape
13. Broadcast Depth
14. Exiles
15. Factory Fight
16. Bullet Time
17. Recruiting
18. Infiltration
19. I Like Tests
20. I Can’t Be Her
21. Simulatte Brawl
22. Swarm
23. Sky Scrape
24. My Dream Ended Here
25. Neo and Trinity Theme (Johnny Klimek & Tom Tykwer Exomorph Remix)
26. Opening – The Matrix Resurrections (Alessandro Adriani Remix)
27. My Dream Ended Here (Marcel Dettmann Remix)
28. Nosce (Almost Falling Remix)
29. Bullet Time (Moderna Remix)
30. Back to the Matrix (Eclectic Youth Remix)
31. Welcome to the Crib (System 01 Remix)
32. Flowing (Thomas Fehlmann Remix)
33. Temet (Esther Silex & Kotelett Remix)
34. Choice (Psychic Health Remix)
35. Monumental (Gudrun Gut Remix)

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