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Stihovi koji su oblikovali house generaciju: Mr. Fingers – Can You Feel It

“Can You Feel It” pjesma je Mr. Fingersa iz 1986. i jedna je od prvih deep house ploča


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Vinyl Factory

Larry Heard, američki je DJ, producent i glazbenik koji je snimao pod raznim imenima, od kojih je najpoznatiji Mr. Fingers.

Foto: Vinyl Factory

Nadaleko je poznat kao pionir u house glazbi 1980-ih, a bio je i vođa utjecajne grupe Fingers Inc., čiji je album Another Side iz 1988. bio prvi house LP u punoj formi.

Smatra se pokretačem deep house podžanra, premošćujući jaz između futurizma housea i raskošnog zvuka disca. Njegov znameniti singl iz 1986. “Can You Feel It” izvršit će veliki utjecaj na plesnu glazbu. Njegov seminalni utjecaj na deep house uspoređivan je s “Strings of Life” Derricka Maya na detroit techno.

“Can You Feel It” je izvorno objavljen kao instrumental na EP-u “Washing Machine” Mr. Fingersa iz 1986. Pjesma se kasnije pojavila na albumu Another Side grupe Fingers Inc. iz 1988.

In the beginning, there was Jack, and Jack had a groove

Postoje dvije kombinirane verzije pjesme: jedna koristi govor Chucka Robertsa iz a cappella verzije pjesme “My House” grupe Rhythm Control, a druga koristi govor “I Have a Dream” Martina Luthera Kinga Jr.

Mr. Fingers – Can You Feel It (Chuck D. Mix) Lyrics

In the beginning, there was Jack, and Jack had a groove.
And from this groove came the groove of all grooves.
And while one day viciously throwing down on his box, Jack boldy declared,

“Let there be house!” and house music was born.

I am, you see,
I am the creator, and this is my house!
And, in my house there is only house music. But, I am not so
selfish because once you enter my house it then becomes OUR house and
OUR house music!” And, you see, no one can own house because
house music is a universal language, spoken and understood by all.

You see, house is a feeling that no one can understand really unless
you’re deep into the vibe of house. House is an uncontrollable
desire to jack your body. And, as I told you before, this is
our house and our house music. And in every house, you
understand, there is a keeper. And, in this house, the keeper
is Jack. Now some of you who might wonder.

Who is Jack, and what is it that Jack does?

Jack is the one who gives you the power to jack your body!
Jack is the one who gives you the power to do the snake.
Jack is the one who gives you the key to the wiggly worm.
Jack is the one who learns you how to walk your body.
Jack is the one that can bring nations and nations of all
Jackers together under one house.

You may be black, you may be white; you may be Jew or Gentile.
It don’t make difference in our House.

And this is fresh!

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